Crimsafe screens are highly regarded as a leading brand for security mesh and frame systems, and are made of stainless steel. Its primary purpose is to secure windows, doors as well as outdoor areas from potential break-ins and unwanted insects or animals. From a distance, it may look like any other ordinary flyscreen. But it does more than keep mosquitoes and pests out of your home; its functionality includes keeping your house cool during hot summer days and leaves your home nearly impervious to burglars alike.
Crimsafe screens can’t be kicked in or out
Crimsafe screens utilize an internationally patented and unique technology called Screw-Clamp™. Its mesh is fixed in the middle between two jagged pieces of aluminium to ensure it is clamped tightly. One is an aluminium strip that comes with a hook and the second is a frame to be hooked by the former. After that, all the components are adjoined with three stainless steel and tamper-resistant screws. To prevent corrosion and reduce electrolysis, the components are partitioned with a Santoprene bead. This screw-clamp combination ensures that the screen creates a barrier that can’t be easily kicked in or out from either side.
Every woven strand in the mesh delivers the best in security protection
The screen called Crimsafe Tensile-Tuff® security mesh is configured to possess incredible strength and an intruder is likely to injure him or herself while attempting to kick through the screens repeatedly. Also, its strong shear-resistance properties make it impossible to cut through, you can hack it away with a machete but it can survive virtually without a scratch. The intruder might get lucky and be able put a few holes into the mesh but they will fail to aggravate the breaches – even the dependence on one’s bodyweight can’t make a difference. In fact, the mesh is the first of its kind, it weaves 0.9mm premium 304 grade security steel into commercial meshes.
Longer lifespan coupled with good looks
If you saw photos of Crimsafe’s screens on the net, you would be able to quickly recognise it for its outstanding black appearance. The screen’s cool looks are a result of it getting coated with high durability powder. Did you know? The mesh is purposely designed this way to withstand the elements. The mesh is treated with a commercial grade ultraviolet fade-resistant black powder coating to ensure a longer lifespan and a look that easily distinguishes it from other security mesh available in the market today. Additionally, Crimsafe screens are low maintenance as it uses an anti-static coating to prevent the build-up of dust and dirt and its underlying pre-treatment ensures that it does not rust.
Survived the Salt Spray Test with flying colours
The screen’s weather-resistant capabilities were put to the test when it underwent the above test. The test exposes the screen to severe weathering conditions and a salt mixture is sprayed for up to 1000 hours – to simulate 10 years of exposure to harsh elements. As a result, it exceeded everyone’s expectations and lasted up to 3000 hours and there were no signs of blistering or corrosion.
Convenient cleaning and maintenance
The following list shows how frequently you should clean your screens:
• Mild environments more than 10km from beachfronts or sheltered bays only require cleaning every six months.
• Moderate environments 1km to 10km from beachfronts or sheltered bays only require cleaning every two to three months.
Even if your property is close to marine environments, you will only need to clean your screens once every 2 or 4 weeks.
Learn more about Crimsafe product testing.
If you wish to secure your home or business premises, consider using Crimsafe screens. At Guardian Screens and Shutters, we have years of expertise to help you get the perfect security product to meet all your needs.
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